Eat Vannamei Prawn Singapore and Enjoy Health Benefits

vannamei prawn singapore

In case, someone is a fan of prawns then it is obvious to get plenty of company. Generally, ranging in size from jumbo to small, they are typically 1 to 3 inches long. They usually come from cold and warm waters across the globe. Around eating prawns 90% come from a farm. On a controlled diet, they are raised in ponds. Vannamei prawns are native to the E. The Pacific Ocean and from the Sonora’s Mexican state to as far as northern Peru. Throughout the year when water remains 20°C, they are restricted to that only. Just like vannamei prawn singapore their availability is in several areas.


⦁ Allergy- They are usually considered to be among the food allergens as the top one. It is one of the most dangerous, and more people sending to hospitals compared to other allergens.
⦁ Contamination- They might be chemically or naturally contaminated comprising the impurities. Failing tight environmental control and care, the harmful bacteria can begin growing and prawn polluting.


⦁ Skin protection- With other skin-protecting precautions like sunscreen the supplementation along astaxanthin might reduce skin wrinkling through skin elasticity improvement and skin moisture offering.
⦁ Cancer prevention- Both omega 3 fatty acids and astaxanthin’s potent antioxidant properties might exhibit inhibitory and protective effects on cancer and therefore, the cancer cells’ growth reduction.


It can be concluded that whether fried, steamed, baked, or boiled, the vannamei prawn is extremely popular. As it is made up of mostly water and protein.